Train times from Carlisle
Train times from Carlisle towards Settle and Leeds. Please check with National Rail before you travel.There is no train from Carlisle at 08.24 on a Saturday. Those wishing to join…
The Settle-Carlisle Walking & Music Festival
Train times from Carlisle towards Settle and Leeds. Please check with National Rail before you travel.There is no train from Carlisle at 08.24 on a Saturday. Those wishing to join…
The 2024 Ride2Stride programme is now available! Train times from Carlisle towards Settle and Leeds. Please check with National Rail before you travel.There is no train from Carlisle at 08.24…
ride2stride 2025 The steering committee is pleased to announce the dates for 2025. The festival will take place from Tuesday April 29th to Monday May 5th. As before there is…